English DesignationNational Park and Indigenous Territory
IUCN Management CategoryNot Reported
Type of DesignationNational
Status Year1965
Governance TypeFederal or national ministry or agency
Management AuthorityNot Reported
Management PlanNot Reported
International CriteriaNot Applicable
Management Effectiveness Evaluations
CI Tracking ToolNot Reported
MEMS2001, 2002
PA Consolidation IndexNot Reported
Parks profiles2005
IMET2017, 2018, 2019
No information available
Sources (1)
Protected Areas of Bolivia; Sistema de Información Geográfica del Servicio Nacional de Áreas ProtegidasUpdated: 2015Servicio Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SERNAP), Bolivia
UNEP-WCMC (2025). Protected Area Profile for Isiboro Securé from the World Database on Protected Areas, January 2025. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net