Isles Du Drac

555514334 WDPA ID
8.05 km² Reported Area

Type Terrestrial and Inland Waters Protected Areas

Location France


  • Original Name Isles Du Drac
  • English Designation Regional Nature Reserve
  • IUCN Management Category IV
  • Status Designated
  • Type of Designation National
  • Status Year 2009
  • Sublocation
  • Governance Type Federal or national ministry or agency
  • Management Authority Ministry in charge of the environment, but also Conseils Régionaux, which will not be listed here since there are 25 of them (every region except Corsica). However see Association des Régions de France, 282 boulevard St Germain, 75007 PARIS, France.
  • Management Plan Not Reported
  • International Criteria Not Applicable

Management Effectiveness Evaluations

No information available


No information available

Sources (1)

  1. Common Database on Designated Areas as provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA) Updated: 2024 European Environment Agency (EEA)

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UNEP-WCMC (2024). Protected Area Profile for Isles Du Drac from the World Database on Protected Areas, October 2024. Available at: